7 oktober 2015

Kati Piri maakt zich sterk voor transgenderrechten in Polen

Op het verzoek van het PvdA Roze Netwerk en Rainbow Rose heeft PvdA Europarlementariër Kati Piri een brief geschreven aan haar Poolse collega’s in het Europees parlement. Aanleiding was dat de Poolse president Duda weigert om een wet te tekenen die het wijzigen van het geslacht in officiële documenten makkelijker maakt. Lees hieronder haar brief:

Dear colleagues,

Last week the President of Poland and former MEP, Andrzej DUDA has declined to sign the Gender Accordance Act that was passed in the lower and upper houses of the Polish parliament this summer. The legislation is designed to make it easier for citizens to officially change the gender listed on birth certificates and other documents. At present, Poles who feel that the gender listed on their birth certificate is at odds with their identity must sue their parents. The new legislation, which is considered a breakthrough for Poland’s transgender community, implements a special gender recognition court session, in which, among other factors, statements from independent psychologists or sexologists must be provided.

The lower house of parliament can overturn the president’s veto if it obtains at least a three-fifths majority vote. This Friday, October 9, the Polish Parliament will already vote on the Presidential veto and I would welcome if you can encourage your colleagues in Poland to be present during the vote and support the law as it is a breakthrough for Poland’s position on LGBTI-rights and transgender community in particular.

Thank you so much for your solidarity!

Kati Piri